• For All Crops

    • Product Name:For All Crops
    • Application:Foliar Application Liquid Form
    • Dosage:500 ml All crops micro liquid fertilizer will be in 200 liters of water per acre Two sprays required. FOR HORTICULTURAL CROPS 200 to 250 liters of water per acre 2-3 sprays required First spray : 30th day after sowing or Transplantation Second spray : 60 days after sowing or transplantation
    • Type of Soil: All types of soil
    • Contents:Micro Nutrients as per notified grade
    • Crop:All crops
    • Available Packing :1lt, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml50ml
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
  • Kundan

    • Product Name:Kundan
    • Application:Foliar Application Liquid Form
    • Dosage:2ml of Kundan diluted with 1 ltr of water. This is for normal and medium crop conditions. For more growth and development of the horticulture and agricultural crops, Dosage may be increased due to the extension of 25 to 50 % in differ. spray should be covered with both the surface of the leaves
    • Type of Soil: All types of soil
    • Contents:Humic acid, Fulvic acid, Amino acid
    • Crop:All crops
    • Available Packing : 1lt, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
  • Bio Hume

    • Product Name:Bio Hume
    • Application:Liquid Soil Conditioner
    • Dosage:Auzin 5 liter of Bio-hume per acre, Mix Bio-hume with farm yard manure, or Fertilizer, or Zinc, or any nutrients or Gypsom and apply in rows at the time or sowing or immediately after planting. B. Ensure Bio-hume mix with farm yard manure or fertilizer or Gypsom is adequate enough spread over one acre along the rows. DRIP IRRIGATION ; Mix Bio- hume solution 5 liter in 50 liters of water ( Bio-hume solution in ten time the volume of water and introduce into Drip systems)
    • Type of Soil: All types of soil
    • Contents:Fulvic acid, Humic acid
    • Crop:For all crops
    • Available Packing :1lit, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml, 5lt 20lt
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
  • Bio-hume -2

    • Product Name:Bio-hume -2
    • Application:Foliar Application Liquid Form
    • Dosage:2ml of Siddharas should be mixed in 1 liter of water. Dosages suggested above are for normal / medium crop condition. For luxurient growth / tall crop / high densities, dosages may be increased to the extent of 25% in different crops. It is made from organic matter like Milk, soyabean, wheat. etc.,
    • Type of Soil: All types of soil
    • Contents:Amino acid
    • Crop:All crops
    • Available Packing :1lit, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml, 50ml
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
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