• Coffee Care

    • Product Name:Coffee Care
    • Application:Foliar Application Liquid Form
    • Dosage:1 Liter of plantation special will be dissolved in 400 to 500 liters of water per acre. . First spray immediately after Monsoon rain for coffee Second Spray: For coffee August or September.
    • Type of Soil: All types of soil
    • Contents:Organic based compound
    • Crop:For Coffee
    • Available Packing :1000ml,500ml, 250ml, 100ml
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
  • Auzowet

    • Product Name:Auzowet
    • Application:Foliar Application Liquid Form
    • Dosage:Take 30 to 32ml of Auzowet in a clean water and stir well add this solution to the pesticides, fungicides, foliar fertilizers, insecticides, defoliators and plant nutrients, take a specific usage and dosage of products as recommended in the label. Direction for Herbicides Take 70 to 80 ml of Auzowet in a 100 liters of clean water stir well and add this solution to the herbicides as per the specific dosage in the label. For Irrigation:Irrigation purpose dosage can be increased to 100ml in 100 liters of water per acre,
    • Type of Soil: All types of soil
    • Contents:Sticker, Spreader, Activator
    • Crop:All crops
    • Available Packing :1lit, 500ml, 250ml, 100ml
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
  • Azaneem

    • Product Name: Azaneem
    • Application:Foliar Application Liquid Form
    • Dosage:500 to 600 ml of Azanim of 1 liter of detergent or soap solution in 200 liters of water for high volume spray or 80 to 100 liters of water for low volume spray USAGE: Add 5ml of detergent or soap solution to 2-3 ml of Azaneem, mix well and dilute to one liter of water and spray.
    • Type of Soil: All types of soil
    • Contents:Neem based herbal insecticide
    • Crop:For all crops
    • Available Packing :1000ml,500ml, 250ml, 100ml
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
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