• Cute

    • Product Name:Cute
    • Application:Foliar Application
    • Dosage: For Foliar application: 1.0 to 1.5 g per liter of water during critical growth stage.For Apple, Grape, Cotton, Paddy, Chilly & Tomato 1st spray should be given before flowering, so that more flowers and maximum fruit setting is guaranteed.Higher or lower concentration depends on the nature of crops and their requirement. Give 2- 3 sprays at 15 - 25 days interval at boron flowering/ fruit setting stage. Cute is also suitable for soil application either through direct application or by mixing in water or major fertilizer
    • Type of Soil:All types of soil
    • Contents:Boron 20%
    • Crop:All crops
    • Available Packing :500g, 250g 100g,50g, 20g
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
  • Klick

    • Product Name:Klick
    • Application:Foliar Application powder form
    • Dosage:250 gms per acre, Dissolve Auzin Klick foliar spray in 200 to 250 liters of water and spray twice or thrice
    • Type of Soil: All types of soil
    • Contents:Boron 17.5%
    • Crop:For All crops
    • Available Packing :100gms, 250gms
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
  • Kajol

    • Product Name:Kajol
    • Application:Foliar Application Powder Form
    • Dosage:500grams in 250 liters of water and spray on both the surface of the leaves, after 30 days of germination/ transplantation.
    • Type of Soil: Only high pH soil - Black soil
    • Contents:Ferrous Sulphate 19%
    • Crop:All crops
    • Available Packing :1kg, 500gms
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
  • Kaveri

    • Product Name:Kaveri
    • Application:Foliar Application Powder Form
    • Dosage:Use as a soil application to the soil: 5kg per acre at the time of sowing or transplanting Foliar Application: 500 grams per acre by dissolving zinc sulphate 100 to10 liters of water and spray surface of the leaves
    • Type of Soil: All types of soil
    • Contents:Zinc Sulphate 21%
    • Crop:All types of crops
    • Available Packing :1kg
    • Storage:Keep in Cool and dry place
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